Category Archives: Cooking

Day 2 – Word Salad Challenge

#StayHomeWirMo Day 2 report and short story.

  • Mental – set a timer for 10 minutes. Meditate or breathe deeply.

Vaguely remember doing that Tuesday morning… but for some reason, it seems a long time ago…

  • Social – set a group chat for just for sharing funny gifs…

Hmmm, how about a Facebook post about the funniest thing you “spot sanitize” mine is the spray bottles I use for training the kittens 🙂


Sad… the best I could come up with was my moisturizer and the anti-kitten spray. My life is boring 🙂

  • Physical – try out a new recipe…

Does it count that I did that Monday? Banana Bread was yummm…. Tuesday was too chaotic 🙂 Wednesday is going to be a lot of the old standards.

Then the point of this whole exercise…

  • The Creative

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Filed under #StayHomeWriMo, Cooking, CoVid-19, Random, Writing

Meal Planning for Covid-19 Survival

Meal Planning, if you’ve never had to do it before, can be mysterious and time consuming.

Don’t Panic!

My first try at meal planning was for a 2 week stint into the desert for a Star Party – if I didn’t pack it, I didn’t have it. Space was limited so I pre packaged serving sizes of dry pasta and packets of spices for different meals. Estimated how much water (2 gallons a day per person) and alcohol (not sharing those stats :-)) we would need.


I spent weeks (okay, it was months) reading about what items would last longer, discovering we refrigerate way too much and many things last much longer that you would expect. And looking for recipes with overlapping ingredients.

  • Chili – onion, bell pepper, and serrano peppers,
  • Spaghetti – onion, bell pepper, mushrooms, olives
  • Omelette – onion, spinach, mushrooms

You get the idea… oh, and serranos, avocado, lime (also for margaritas), onions for guacamole with Kiwi Salsa…. on the second to the last day in the desert… yumm!

Everything overlaps when you Meal Plan.

That said – the basics are easy.

Everyone has a group of dishes that they make on a regular basis, unless you subsist on take out, so start with them.

List the components in order:

  • Protein
  • Veggies
  • Carbs
  • Dairy
  • Spices

If you are relying on prepackaged meals or meal components like pasta or bread, check out serving sizes. If you are planning for 14 days – you might want to work out 16 with the last two being things you can pull from the freezer (pizza) or the pantry (chili).

In of my favorite episodes of Antony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown, he goes to Antartica and we are introduced to some amazing meal planning. Watch it and you’ll learn all about “freshies” and how they prioritize when they eat what.

R and I are doing soups, rice bowls and leftovers for lunches.

I also grabbed my fav Bubbies Pickles for tuna fish sandwiches… I know, plebeian, but my comfort food.

Dinners, I focused on protein (frozen fish, a roast, plenty of chicken breasts, ground turkey and beef, and tofu), lots veggies (for salads, steamed, and stir-fired), and we have frozen GF/Corn free pizza dough, rice and potatoes.

Breakfast is the usual – eggs (omelettes if there is time) and frozen hash browns, or toast.

Home made treats? Think easy or fun – make cookies or bake your favorite quick bread. Although R could live on chips and salsa.

If you are cooking don’t forget the basics: Milk, Butter, Eggs, Flour (GF?), Sugar, lemons, limes, coffee or tea, baking soda/powder, cooking oils and condiments – check your spice cabinet for anything that is low.

If you really don’t want to go out again for 2 weeks – don’t assume.

And, don’t just stock up on comfort food. You will eat it first, you will eat it fast, and then you will be left with all the boring things you bought because you were focused on your treats. And, depending on your comfort food of choice (mine was goldfish crackers in my 20s and scotch in my 30’s) you may feel decidedly ill.

Don’t change too much!

This is not the time to try that complicated dish you’ve always wanted (unless you are way more organized than I am – I would forget something that couldn’t be substituted and find myself back in the hot zone) or think that just because you are working from home you will have time. It amazes me how much time “fun” cooking can take out of my day, let alone just getting the basic three meals done.

Be flexible!

The internet is your friend, there are tons of sites that will help you find substitutions. Forgot the eggs for baking cookies? You can use flax seed. Lemon juice subs for vinegar (or vice versa). Tomato past and water for tomato sauce (if desperate)

If you are freaked out about buying too much “fresh” veggies/fruits divide your list into fresh/frozen/canned.

Sex it up!

That can of chili mentioned above can be augmented with some hot peppers, grated cheese, blue cheese dressing (an R favorite), and additional spices to make it pop. R loves it over GF rotini.

Take your sanitizer, gloves, mask… what every else makes you feel safe and based on your personal level of risk. Some grocery stores have special hours for seniors, the immunocompromised and those pregnant. The link is for Portland, OR but I’m hoping other parts of the country are following suit.

The key is to be prepared so before you go…

Wander through you house and make a list. Is your can opener broken? Do you need foil or parchment paper? Do you have batteries? Magazines? Coloring books? What about paper towels and that harder to find than gold… toilet paper.

And finally….

Don’t forget the Meds!

Check your meds, supplements, alcohol and cannabis* supplies and make sure you have enough for 14+ days. Your health and relationship may depend on this.

Don’t forget the pets!

Make sure you have enough meds, food and litter.

They may need a treat too – something to distract them so they don’t drive you crazy while you try to work!


~ The Raven & the Hummingbird

*Where legal of course 🙂



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Filed under Cooking, CoVid-19, Random

New Years Catch-Up

Welcome to the new year…

The holidays came crashing down on us, add in Castor & Pollux and some serious house hunting, and well…

…the chaos never seemed to end.

So a quick update:

Castor is doing well after his umbilical cord hernia surgery. I take him in next week for a check up and for both the Gemini to get their boosters. They are lovely, insane creatures.

I had to shut down my feeders between Thanksgiving and Christmas due to an outbreak of Bird Pox (I have a draft post somewhere about it…) Feeders are back online, and we’ve had multiple visits by a Sharp-Shinned Hawk. It always makes me feel successful when an apex predator shows up.

We got a “cat tree” rather than a Christmas Tree this year. Some of my ornaments date from the early 90s so we thought this was a better use of the Christmas decorating fund. Not the best pics – but they so rarely are all in the same place at the same time…

Went to a delightful Magdalena Electric Light Parade (pics to come) and a soggy Christmas Eve Luminarias display in Old Town ABQ. You can tell it doesn’t rain much in ABQ – the streets and sidewalks puddle in odd ways.

Bought cookbooks for Christmas from Powells (and PJs – its cold up here). Looking forward to recipes from Peru and Gluten Free WishList . 

First bunch of greens, holy basil, and catnip is growing! In the middle is our makrut lime tree!


Took a trip up north – this image is looking west over Ghost Ranch near Abiquiu. Some of the most spectacular scenery in a place with spectacular scenery! I put it on my LinkedIn page 🙂

Ghost Ranch

Picture by Robert Collins, Jr.

First new story in 8 years is in the works! Whoop!!!!! More on that later.

Think that covers it…

Happy Belated New Year!

~ Tess


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Filed under Castor & Pollux, Cooking, Writing

Lentil Stew or Lentil Soup?

Not sure if this is a stew or a soup.

I tend to let things simmer around here, partly because I can, partly because I like to do as much cooking at once as I can, and often because I get distracted.

I started with 2 midsized carrots, 2 stalks of celery and 2 green onions (green parts held back) – slivered on a mandolin and put in a mid-sized pot. Covered it with chicken stock then added cumin, coriander and half a red Fresno pepper diced fine.

Simmered for 20-30 minutes then added canned lentils – I can’t get lentils right to save my life at sea level and now I’m at 6,500 ft, so I cheated. Simmered it, probably much longer than I should have. ~1.5 hours and kept adding more stock as it cooked down.

Added the rest of the Fresno cut into match sticks and the green part of the green onions for garnish. 

Made two servings… didn’t make rolls until later in the day, I’ll send R off with the stew and a roll or two tomorrow.


It turned out much better than I expected. It was one of those days – have to eat, but it’s close to grocery shopping time so there isn’t much left to play with.

So Stew or Soup?

According the The Kitchn you can take your pick. My recipe appears to fall right into the middle.

Sigh! And I was hoping for a definitive answer.

~ Tess

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Filed under Cooking

My head is too full to rest

I’m sick – but my head is too full to stop doing.

I think it is the anti-inflammation diet – when I’m on it I feel really good, and when I’m not I go back to that horrid place where I have no self control, ambition, or energy.

Have some kind of stomach bug that is making me nauseated – I have anti nausea meds for when the nausea accompanies the migraines – but they aren’t helping or maybe they are are helping. Ikes! I don’t want to think about how bad I would be without them, if they aren’t helping (they usually do) I hate to think what is making me ill. Ikes all around!

My Boss, bless her, gave me a quickie acupuncture treatment during lunch that helped get me through the second half of the day but still didn’t really kick it.

So, being the new me, I’m cooking.

Tonight is Mung Dal – and unlike the other recipes from my Anti-Inflammation book – this one is not Tess proof.

I never really learned to cook although my Mother did try. I liked canning, and baking, but day-to-day cooking really wasn’t my thing. When I went back to school in my late 20’s to study science I found that I had what a roommate of mine called “good hands”. I did bench chemistry and biology rather well and really enjoyed it. I even (thanks to an ex-boss of mine when I was working in the lab) learned how to mix some pretty awesome martinis. Made one of my favorites for a friend’s birthday last weekend – (I was making her doubles because her birthday martini glass was really big which is bad for portion control but she wasn’t driving so it was okay).


  • 12 Bridges Gin (local distiller with distinctive cumber notes)
  • Dry Vermouth of your choice
  • Lemon (whole)
  • First – chill martini glass by filling with ice and water
  • Second – fill shaker half full with ice (crushed lightly or cubed)
  • Third – splash dry vermouth into shaker, then drain excess into sink
  • Fourth – add 4 oz of gin
  • Fifth – empty chilled martini glass and fill with gin/vermouth from shaker
  • Sixth – (or after first step, doing this quickly takes practice) make a lemon twist

And serve, cheers.

…just remember this is a double, a pour of straight alcohol is 1.5 oz (at least in our state) and although I used to know the max amount of alcohol in a drink I seem to have forgotten that information… and can’t seem to ask Google the right question… so I’ll have to get back to you on that.

Oh, I digressed big time. I was talking about learning to cook.

The thing I found so difficult about learning to cook from books was all the hidden tricks – the things not said – like in this case did I use Mung beans at stage 1 (dry) stage 2 (after soaking overnight) or stage 3 (after cooked)?????  It was stage 2 but I figured that out after killing one cup of mung beans. I discovered, doing chemistry, that I could be very literal and I’ve never prepped from dry beans before.

This recipe called for sautéing and then simmering – my just cleaned kitchen is now trashed and the nausea meds must be working because I’m starting to get hungry.

(after a very long while)



The Mung Dal is done and surprisingly tasteless – granted I was missing a spice and substituted brown rice for basmati, but still. The recipe called for 6 cups of water and I just knew it was too much but I like to follow recipes exactly the first time through. I also think I will double all the spices (and make sure I’m not missing one) and read up on some other Mung Dal recipes if I can find any that don’t require a pressure cooker.

Truly starving now… so going to stop writing and eat.

~ Tess

PS if anyone has any hints for how to get this right (while obeying all my No!s) I would love to hear them.

PPS I really need to get a camera – or a smart phone – would have loved to have pic of 12 Bridges and the Martini in the beautiful birthday glass!

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Filed under Cooking, Drink Recipes