Category Archives: Gardening

Creating a Thai Garden – The Makrut Lime

While we were vetting our move to NM, we confirmed we would have access to the Thai and Asian food stuffs we had become accustomed to since R became obsessed with Thai cooking (a story for another post).

We found several Asian markets, but we realized that there were things we were very unlikely to be able to acquire ever.

Topping the list: Makrut Limes* and Holy Basil.

Makrut limes are hard to come by and the trees can be pricy. Mature specimens run into hundreds of dollars. Most are grafted onto another citrus such as trifoliate orange or Troyer or Carrizo citrange.

We wanted one, but we were unsure of the timing. Both the leaves and the skin of the fruit are used in Thai cooking. Continue reading

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