Tag Archives: thank you

Year One…

Thank You!

A year ago today I posted my first blog post.

How time flies…

I wish I could say that everything I imagined it to be it was – it isn’t. But it has served a purpose. It got me writing. Most days I write now. There are days when I write a lot, and days when I write very little – but most days I write – and I have the blogs to thank for that.

I’ve written about privacy issues and dealing with my migraines. I’ve publicly mourned the loss of relationships and quietly celebrated the beginning of a new one. I’ve bitched about healthcare and calls from the DNC. I’ve waxed quazi-poetic on the value of friendship and my delight in my new Mac.

I’m not sure where I’m going now.

The blogs have been adrift for awhile – it is a hard thing writing a novel. I tried to split my focus, blogs, and short stories, and novellas Oh, My! But I’m finding it harder and harder to multi task. I find that I sequester myself away to write. I can no longer work in noisy places (I used to love writing in pubs and coffee shops) I can’t even have music going in the house.

So what next?

This last year has been about learning how to do this job. I’ve written a novella, articles for AOL, a poem for Dr. Wicked, written and rewritten several short stories – even sold a few, and started a novel. Gradually I’m learning how this works and what doesn’t.

The migraines are a constant battle but I now have the most amazing support so I’m hopeful things will get better.

I always expect things to happen faster than they do. Just as I always expect that I will get more done than I do. But this is an industry that moves slowly – and writing a novel takes time. I’m a quarter of the way through my first draft and hope to have it finished by the end of November since I have two short stories I want to write and a novella to reedit.

So things are sill moving – but as for my blog I’m not sure where it is going or what shape it will take. It maybe that I’ll write more once I’m out of the draft stage – maybe even write up some of my research on mythology and the different types of multi-verses. Who knows…

Those of you who have checked in from time to time, thank you! There is something extremely nice about knowing you are out there.

~ Tess


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A Thank You!

Thank You!

This is a quick Thank You to the companies that helped me out in the last few days.


I was going through my credit card statement line by line to review where I’d spent my money over the last month when I noticed a line item for Amazon Prime for $79.00. I had no idea what it was… so I called my Visa company and their automated system (which wasn’t too painful and actually helpful) told me it was for a subscription.

But a subscription for what?

So I called the number next to the line item and talked to a lovely woman (whose name I should have written down) and asked her what it was. It turned out it was my subscription to Amazon Prime (I should have guessed that) which gave me benefits like free 2-Day shipping. Apparently I’d been paying for it since 2007.

Oh, how I miss having money.

I explained to her my situation, out of work for 10 months, and how as much as loved the idea of free 2-Day shipping as she see from my account information I haven’t been able to afford anything from Amazon. She graciously offered to remove the charge and credit my account.


Amazon is still one of my favorite companies. When I have money again I will, once again, be a customer. I used to own stock but I had to sell it this year to pay for some necessities (breaks on the car, a new mattress, that kind of thing).

Scholls Ferry Automotive

I had to take my car in for an oil change and I always take it into the guys at Scholls Ferry Automotive. I had a coupon for a $24.95 oil change. I searched the house top to bottom and couldn’t find the ‘safe’ place I’d put it in.

My ritual is to drive the car there and then walk back home. When they call I walk back and pick it up. This time it was raining… that soaking rain that makes the bottoms of your pants heavy.

When they called they had done a safety check on my car (which I expect them too that is why I go) and my battery was not in the best of shape. They were worried that if we had another cold snap it wouldn’t have enough juice to start the car. They could replace it today for $110.

I explained my situation – out of work for 10 months – and that I didn’t have the money at hand. And then I asked them what they would do, gamble or play it safe. Since there is a good chance that we may not have a cold snap or that I won’t have to drive in it we decided to leave it to chance. I’ll work on raising the money and hope for weather above freezing.

When I got there to pick up the car they had discounted my oil change to the current coupon of $19.95.

Thanks guys!

You’ve been keeping me safe for years now – and helping keep my car running without taking advantage of the fact that I know nothing and I don’t want to think about it – I just need it to work.

~ Tess Anderson

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Tis the Season…

Riedel Sommeliers Single Malt Scotch Glass

The holidays are now nipping at our heels and I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone happiness over the next few days.  

In our Christian centric country it seems that everyone has found a way to adapt to the patterns no matter what their faith – including Christmas. Although I know at least one person will sulk through tomorrow – many of us will take the holiday and make it our own.

So, here is a toast to you – my lovely loyal readers – from one of no faith to people of many. May the next few days be filled with friends and family, good food, good conversation… and lots of scotch!!!!


~ Tess Anderson


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