Corvidae House IV

Yes, we’ve moved again…

To a lovely 130-year-old adobe farmhouse on 0.66 acres just outside the Bosque del Apache wildlife refuge.

And yes, it has birds!

So, I’m starting up a life list for the house. Every bird we’ve seen on the property (and when the cranes come I’ll include them as flyovers 🙂 but if they land, I’ll move them to “seen”.

(N) = nesting, nesting behaviors including gathering material, territorial and mating behavior.

Seen in the yard:

  1. Western Kingbird (N)
  2. Eurasian Collared-Dove (N)
  3. White-winged Doves (N)
  4. Ladder-backed Woodpecker (2020-9 excavated nest)
  5. Great-tailed Grackle (N)
  6. Common Grackle
  7. Raven (unsure if Common or Chihuahuan)
  8. White-crowned Sparrow (first seen again 9/20/20)
  9. Yellow-rumped Warbler – Audubon’s
  10. House Wren
  11. House Finch (N)
  12. House Sparrow (N)
  13. Lazuli Bunting
  14. Black-chinned Hummingbird (N)
  15. Brown Creeper
  16. Lesser Goldfinch (Green-backed form)
  17. Bullock’s Oriole
  18. Mourning Dove
  19. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  20. Phainopepla (N)
  21. American Robin (N)
  22. Gamble’s Quail (N)
  23. Bewick’s Wren
  24. Black-headed Grosbeak
  25. Indigo Bunting
  26. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
  27. Say’s Phoebe
  28. Blue Grosbeak
  29. Brown-headed Cowbird (N)
  30. Red-winged Blackbird
  31. Northern Mockingbird (N)
  32. Curved-billed Thrasher
  33. Broad-tailed Hummingbird
  34. Rufus Hummingbird (returned – July 5, 2021)
  35. Western Tanager
  36. Peregrine Falcon – on pole eating a dragonfly
  37. Great-horned Owl (landed on utility pole and talked to us while we were observing at 4am, 9/21/2020 heard most nights early AM)
  38. Black-throated Gray Warbler (9/1/2020 – let the Fall Migration begin!)
  39. Warbling Vireo
  40. Western Wood Pewee
  41. One of the Empidonax flycatchers – likely a Gray (they like pine/juniper)
  42. Bushtits
  43. Pine Grosbeak
  44. Wilson’s Warbler
  45. Townsend’s Warbler
  46. Bell’s Vireo
  47. Red-breasted Nuthatch (aka Super Sonic)
  48. Nashville Warbler
  49. Cooper’s Hawk – in tree by house
  50. Oregon Junco – Red backed (arrived 9/29)
  51. Red-Shafted Flicker
  52. Hutton’s Vireo
  53. Pyrrhuloxia
  54. Spotted Towhee
  55. Canyon Towhee
  56. Starling
  57. Red-naped Sapsucker
  58. American Kestrel
  59. American Goldfinch
  60. Brewer’s Blackbird
  61. Western Meadowlark
  62. Hooded Oriole
  63. Harry Woodpecker
  64. Green-tailed Towhee
  65. Summer Tanager
  66. Calliope Hummingbird (July 19, 2021)

Heard Only:


  1. White-faced Ibis (in V formation, thought they were snow geese – until I realized they were black)
  2. Great Blue Heron
  3. Sharp-shinned Hawk
  4. Barn Swallow
  5. Turkey Vulture
  6. Nighthawk – likely Common but not definitive.
  7. Red-tailed Hawk (Dark morph)
  8. Sandhill Crane (10-04-2020)
  9. Northern Harrier
  10. American Crow
  11. Snow Geese  – thousands of them, just a dawn flying north.
  12. Swainson’s Hawk
  13. Flock of Cattle Egrets